This is my caveat: I am NOT an expert, so all you experts out there reading this and can do this in your sleep …shhh (smile).

Okay,now let’s get started.

Get about six good-size potatoes and wash them (good size is medium sized).  

wash potatoes

Keep in mind your equipment is going to be different than mine, so just use this instructional as a guideline - just sayin'.  My mandolin slicer fits over a bowl so I use a bowl, a knife, a mandolin slicer and finger guard, 2 pots and dehydrator.

materials needed

I slice my potatoes in half which makes it easier to handle the potato with the finger guard. 

cut potatoes

Fill the bowl with cold water.

put cold water in bowl

Fill 2 pots with water - 1 for blanching and 1 for cooling the potato slices after blanching.

fill 2 pots with water

Boil 1 pot of water. Note: water will heat faster with lid on.

boil water w lid on

Begin slicing the potatoes (I slice my potatoes very thin at about 1/8"). Put the potatoes in the bowl of cold water once sliced.

sliced potatoes in bowl

Once all the potatoes are sliced - gently put them in the boiling pot of water. Note: the reason for blanching is to remove some of the starch in the potatoes.

blanching potatoes

Boil the potatoes for 4 minutes


Once the 4 minutes is up. Transfer the potatoes into the second pot of water that was previously filled with cold water to stop the cooking process.

cooling potatoes

Let the potatoes cool (you may add ice if needed). Once the potatoes are cool, place the potatoes on the dehydrator trays.

 raw potatoes on tray

Once all the trays are full, place the dehydrator trays into the dehydrator.

potatoes in excalibur

Set the timer and temperature on the dehydrator. I sent mine at between 125-130° for approximately 6 hours

excalibur controls

 Check the potatoes often as I've found they dry pretty fast when cut thin.  They will be done when they are crisp like potato chips.

tray of dehydrated potatoes

The potatoe slices will be translucent.

translucent dehydrated potato

And there you have it!

Now keep in mind that this same process can be used should the poo ever hit the fan by using any alternatire of heat for boiling the water and using either a make-shift, home-made or solar dehydrator.

Just sayin'

- Survivor Jane



New Section on Survivor Jane website - PrepTorials™!!!

PrepTorial™ How to Make a Survival Bidet for Home and Travel

PrepTorial™ How to Make the Easiest Bathroom Soap Film Remover

PrepTorial™ How to Vacuum Seal a ‘Used’ Pasta/Jelly Jar with a Pop-Top Lid


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