I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Hubbard, initially on Twitter. His profile name @SurvivalMD caught my eye. After all, it’s not all that common to find a person that is both preparedness-minded and a doctor (also I’ve learned that profile names don’t always mean what they seem) I read Dr. Hubbard’s profile and then perused his website 'The Survival Doctor' for a while, and lo and behold he really was a doctor – in family practice for over 30 years in fact! (read more about Dr. Hubbard) As a little background, Dr. Hubbard’s website receives about 400,000 unique visitors and more than 600,000 page views per month (pretty impressive huh??)
I took a chance and contacted Dr. Hubbard and invited him to join in on the nightly tweet chats on Twitter using the hashtag #PrepperTalk where preparedness-minded people come together to discuss topics on preparedness. To my surprise, the doctor graciously agreed, and has on a numerous occasion joined in as a medical contributor for those seeking a specific medical preparedness answer (thank you doctor.)
Since our initial meeting, I have had the honor of reviewing Dr. Hubbard’s poo-hits-the-fan e-books ‘The Survival Doctor's Guide to Wounds’ and ‘The Survival Doctor's Guide to Burns’ which I highly recommend for your resource library to fall back on should you find yourself; after a disaster or emergency, in need of medical care and there are no doctors or professional medical care available.
Dr. Hubbard has now written “Living Ready Pocket Manual: First Aid’, a paper book; emphasis on "pocket" at 5" x 7"), that you can carry with you or have in your emergency go-bag, in your vehicle glove compartment, at your office, at home , or included in your preparedness resource library.
In Dr. Hubbard’s own words, …” the book gives information on what to do for common emergencies right away to save a life, but it also provides information on what to do if expert help is going to be delayed for hours, days, or longer—maybe never.” That’s the part we all need to focus on - the latter - “maybe never”. This book goes beyond first aid by providing practical information on what to do for the most common medical problems with basic first aid skills and knowledge.
Although, my primary focus is on all things preparedness, anyone could benefit by having a copy, or several copies of ‘Living Ready Pocket Manual: First Aid’, in fact it would make a great gift idea for that hard to buy for person who seems to have everything.
‘Living Ready Pocket Manual: First Aid’ covers topics such as first-aid supplies (what you need, how many are needed and their uses); resuscitation (find out how the song ‘Stayin’ Alive’ can save your life or someone elses); hydration (learn why children need more hydration than adults); hyperthermia and hypothermia (find out what the phrase “they’re not dead until they’re warm and dead” means); wound care (learn how to properly sterilize a metal instrument with fire); skin reactions (how to treat all kinds of skin ailments caused by bug or spider bites and poisonous plants); and, bones and joints (learn what RICES means and how it applies to muscles, joints or bone injuries).
Get your copy of "Living Ready Pocket Manual First-Aid - Fundamentals for Survival" here:
Just sayin'
- Survivor Jane
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