Okay for those of you who have been hiding under a rock for a while now, we all should now know about the disaster of 2011 in Japan, which by the way is one of the most earthquake ready countries in the world. And my point is …look what happened with a 9.0 earthquake! It appears, Japan only tested for a 7.0 earthquake for their buildings and structures. Opps!
So what about us? You know, the United States of America? How ready are we for an earthquake of that magnitude? Or bigger? What would happen if we were hit by a magnitude 9.0? Or heaven forbid, even bigger? (I'm not sure how big they get.)
With the Earth’s unrest - it could happen. Really happen. In fact, all of our states are at risk of major earthquakes, with 39 of the 50 states in moderate to high risk areas for seismic activity. Scary huh?
Some of these fault lines, especially the ones that are on the surface of the Earth, are obvious. But then there are others which lie deep within the Earth's crust, obscured by a thick layer of soil. and frankly, we are so visual that if we don’t see it – it’s not there. Right?!
It’s not good news.
Let’s take a closer look at our faults. “Faults? I don’t have any faults!” you say. I’m talking about the fault lines of the Earth. Geeze stop being such a drama queen.
Let’s see, there’s the New Madrid Fault Line (one of the most vulnerable region in the United States) which would directly affect a range of States including Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, and Indiana.
The Rampo Fault Line which lies between the Appalachian Mountains and the Piedmont areas and would have devastating effects on States like New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
The Ridgefield Fault Line which could result in severe damage to Connecticut, and the surrounding regions.
The Denali Fault Line which crosses spans across the State of Alaska and into Canada.
And lastly, the San Andreas Fault Line which spans the State of California, from Cape Mendocino to the Mexican border, which by the way is also part of the “Ring of Fire” along with multiple other countries around the Pacific Ocean.
So, let’s look at California for a minute. Both the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and the Diablo Canyon Power Plant are positioned near fault lines. Think Japan here girls and the reactor situation of nuclear radiation fall-out. Notice I said two stations? That would be a double whammy.
Take the example, of a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, and then couple this with the inevitable tsunami that will surely ensue. Toss in the Pacific winds and you have a crippled nation in less than an hour.
Hundreds of thousands of people will be fleeing to already over populated cities and states, the airborne nuclear fall out will spread like sheets whiping in the wind and the economy will plummet. Not to mention the cost for clean-up.
Then there’s the Indian Point Energy Center near a fault line 35 miles north of Manhattan New York. New York? Can you imagine an earthquake AND a compromised power plant AND tsunami??? Don’t say it can’t happen missy. It can and with the earth’s unrest it just may.
Now, add this to the mix. Most of our nuclear power plants are old and aging.
For example, the boiling water reactors at the Browns Ferry plant, located near Athens, Alabama are similar to the ones in Japan and were designed to withstand a 6.0-magnitude earthquake based on its proximity to the New Madrid fault. That's 6 -0. Japan was 9.0.
Arkansas has a power plant located 150 miles from the San Andréa’s fault. As a reference, that is the point Japan was evacuating residents as a result of radiation fall-out.
Think about this. Of the 55 nuclear plants including 104 nuclear reactors in the United States, at least 23 of these plants employ a similar reactor to the ones Japan has. (Sigh).
Just for edification, the US Geological Survey (USGS) is the premier geological body for the United States. Each State though has its own state government sponsored geological organization which is affiliated with the USGS, set in place to keep track of geological alterations occurring in the region.
It’d be a good thing, a very good thing, for you to look on a fault-line map and see just how close you are to danger. Remember, take into account wind and water around you as well.
Then think; electricity, fuel, food and drinking water. If there was a run on these things would you be prepared? If not you need to begin. Just sayin'.
- Survivor Jane
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