I was quite taken back when I was contacted a few months ago requesting an interview for a special survival edition for Newsweek Magazine.  Newsweek?  Yeah right, I thought.  But, if nothing more than curiosity, I got in contact with the journalist and after a little due diligence on my part, sure enough it was on the up and up. 

Not really knowing who else or what else would be featured or included in the magazine I was quite adamant that the interview would only be honored if done in writing, this way there would be no misinterpretation of what was actually said opposed to taking "sound bites", i.e., pieces parts of what I said during a telephone conference and interjecting them at will where ever the journalist felt appropriate - I've been there and done that. There have been so many times I have seen good, hardworking, and responsible preppers (preparedness-mined people) made to look like absolute nut-jobs on reality TV shows by taking what was said out of context if for nothing more than theatrics.  With a national publication such as Newsweek whose viewership is in the millions, I was not about to put myself out there as yet another tin-foil hat wearing fanatic thinking the sky is falling.

I was pleasantly surprised when I received the interview questions.  I mean coming from mainstream journalism, I wasn't sure what I was going to receive and was in fact ready to pencil through the majority of the questions.  But the questions were actually on topics appropriate for those seeking to be more prepared and issues most would want to know more about. 

newsweek cover

When I got my little hands on a copy (which wasn't an easy task in and of itself  where I live - I had to go to four (4) different stores before I found a store that wasn't sold out of the magazine already) I was once again quite please (are you seeing a pattern here?) I mean this is really a "special" edition magazine.  The paper is very high quality with a 100 pages of photographs - the type you would expect to see in periodicals such as National Geographic - and very well written and informative articles on all things survival. 

The introduction of the magazine is written by "Survivorman" Les Stroud whom I personally consider to be the real-deal opposed to some of the "wanna-be's" I've witnessed in the past.

As the publishers put it, "Many ponder leaving the trappings of modern life behind and going off the grid--whether for safety preparedness or simply to see if they're up to the challenges of finding shelter, food and water and sustaining their own life. Off Grid is a guide to not only surviving, but thriving. Filled with first-person accounts, anecdotes, expert how-tos and tips-everything from besting a blizzard to which bugs pack the most protein to treating a burn with green beans-this is a must-have for anyone contemplating leaving civilization in the rearview mirror, whether it's for a day or for good." 

Special "Newsweek" Edition: OFF-GRID is on sale at newsstands, in stores and bookstores beginning February 3, 2015 and on  Amazon.

We as preparedness-minded people, okay preppers, have become so leery and guarded of the media; and for good reason, that sometimes an opportunity to help educate the masses is missed.  

I am truly glad I gave the interviewer, Johnna Risso, the benefit of the doubt.  She did me proud for which I am grateful.  Ms Risso afforded me an opportuinity to reach people I may not otherwise have been able to, and to share my passion of educating people on how better to prepare themselves for an end to life as we know it - whatever that may be.

Just sayin'












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